Monday, August 14, 2017

Annotated Appendix: Death Wing's Lair and the Reverse Colosseum

For this video, I did something a little bit different. Knowing that there's going to be a bit more dead space for the lack of new enemies and items, I altered the usual flow of the videos to basically get through it as quickly as possible. This changes the timing of the recordings, though. Basically, this is how the sausage was made until today:

  • Take location notes. Copious location notes
  • Write the script and then edit
  • Record the  voice over dialog and edit
  • Notate the dialog timing (ie- it takes x amount of minutes for me to talk about y)
  • Practice run through the section I want to record
  • Capture game footage with the dialog timing list and a stopwatch
  • Edit the video together
  • Record pickup VO and handle minor fixes
  • Render and rejoice
It's a pretty good system, if a little time intensive. But things are different in the inverted castle, though, so while I'm still following the same steps that I normally would, it's less likely that I'll talk about each notable thing in the order in which they appear, like the Azaghal in this week's episode. I think it makes the flow a little better since there's going to be less standing around, but it means more pickup VO recording to say things like "that thing we saw a second ago," or "earlier, we did this or that." I hope you all find this to be a better fit for future videos.

Other than that, I'm trying really, really hard to keep to a two week schedule from now on. This is obviously not a full-time job for me, and I don't have a ton of time to throw at side projects, so I hope you understand if I slip here and there. But I would like to have the final episode up in time for the game's 20th anniversary of the NA release, which means I need to get moving. I've already laid out a pretty good pace and mapped my next stops, so it's just a matter of getting back to the notes now. Since I'm doubling (and in one instance, tripling) up on locations for the inverted castle, I think I can pull it off.

Enjoy the new video, folks:

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