See that title up there? Yeah, it's on purpose. When writing this episode, it became clear very quickly that it was going to be boring. If you had followed the series up to this point, a dedicated Yang show would have been a whole lot of retreaded info, from the Gundam allusion to the long discussion on imitative Kung Fu. After reading the script, I decided that it wasn't worth it, and pretty much started from scratch.
I didn't want it this way, honestly. I wanted each episode to stand on their own and viewable in a vacuum compared to the others. The more I worked through the roster, though, the more I was referring back to previous episodes assuming that people had seen those already. It seems that this original mandate had fallen by the wayside, so I swerved into it with Yang, making the whole of the script something of a self-referential recap of what I've shown you thus far. I think it worked for the most part, and decided that because he and his brother are so entwined, that I should rename the Yun episode to reflect it, and thereby make the twins a "2-parter."
One of the things I wanted to make clear with Yang is his changing status as a tournament character. While there aren't a lot of ways to verify this other than the anecdotal "people say Yang's good, actually," I can direct you to tournament results of the last several Cooperation Cups where Yang players tend to consistently end up on winning teams, and in the last few years, Pre-Coop Cup Yang squads make the top 5. Without crunching the numbers, he makes it into winner's circles at least much as Dudley and Urien, two consistently strong mid- to mid/high- tier characters.
For further evidence, look no further than NicaKO, without a doubt one of the best American 3rd Strike players, who is frequently seen playing Yang in US tournaments like last year's Jazzy Circuit final. Yang did not have this kind of allegiance in the game's early competitive life, especially after everyone figured out how good Yun and Chun-Li are.
(I know I could have just linked you to an actual tournament video for the final, but that short doc is definitely worth watching anyway, and still gets the point across. Also, Nica's 3S training videos are exhaustive, but phenomenally in-depth. That's your homework).
We're on to the next episode, a bonus ep about Gill. This one should be pretty beefy, I think.
Thanks again for watching
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