Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Oh, Necessity

If you've been quietly concerned about my hectic jet seting lifestyle lately that leaves no time for bloging, then great! I must have really sold it based on that Third Strike image. Honestly, I have been pretty busy lately, though, and it has kept me away from the discerning few of you that read this (god bless you). Without geting into too much detail -mostly because I'm writing this on my phone- a large side project has just hit the midway point and I'm happy enough with the progress that it may be time to share.

It's been about three years since I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, and a lot has changed between then and now. By that I mean that there was Dark Souls and, sure, some other stuff. I was slowly picking away at a memoir about the whole affair when life tookanother 180 on me, so the 55000+ words tthat I'm sitting on now are veering toward a new course, and I'm on track to have the first draft finished by the end of the year. It's been a long, strange road, mypeople, so I thought I'd yell you all about it.

So I'm writing a book. It's about cancer, Demon's Souls, and cancer. The probability of fierce sock-rocking is sky high, so gird those loins. More to come folks

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