Friday, July 19, 2013

I Could Sleep

As of 4:00pm EST, I will be on vacation for a week. This means that I'll finally have sufficient time to finish Etrian Odyssey IV and maybe start on Shin Megami Tensei IV. It will be saucy and nerdy. Also, I'll probably go to the Zoo.

Hopefully some book-writing will also continue as well since I'm narrowing in on a good method to finish things out. More news on this to come.

So, I suppose I'm saying that I might not post anything, but let's pray that Lara Croft's further adventures through Right of Passage Iisland are not further stymied so I can tell you all about it.

Your homework is to go to a comic book site --any comic book site-- and read about actual comic book news that comes out of the San Diego Comic Con. If you have to ask what I mean by this it means that you read far too much Entertainment Weekly.

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