Thursday, November 3, 2016

Annotated Update

The newest episode is coming along a bit slower than previous videos, so I just wanted to drop a line and say that I haven't given up or anything and that The Royal Chapel will show up sometime next week.

Here's why: My normal routine sort of fell out of whack the last few weeks and that didn't offer a lot of time to get the voice recording finished. It didn't help that the script for the Royal Chapel is the longest one so far. In my last pass of edits to it, I just inserted another multi-paragraph section that's going to require even more voice work, and that's what's really slowed things down.

Outside of that, two large, unforeseen factors have eaten up my evening free time. One of them had to do with perennial losers the Cleveland Indians blowing a 3-1 series lead to give other perennial losers the Chicago Cubs a World Series victory. I have not had a lot of sleep, so I'll concede defeat here and say congratulations, Cubs fans. You really do deserve the win after such an absurd drought, but fuck you all the same.

The second thing was some nice, light freelance work, which was a nice change of pace. You can read here (my first published thing for Paste!).

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a buttload of Iron & Wine to listen to while I sulk the day away.

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