Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Annotated Appendix: Necro

Now we're getting somewhere.

I was a little intimidated by this episode until I got into the writing. The Ibuki ep was difficult to put together, especially since she's a character I was never really interested in as an observer or invested in as a player. Necro for me was the same thing on both counts. But this one turned into the tightest episode so far from both an editing perspective and writing. I'm pretty happy with it.

If you've watched the previous episodes, you'll probably notice that this one didn't compartmentalize things like normal moves/special moves/ supers like the other ones had, and that's because Necro players sort of rely on opportunities for hook punches wherever they get them. Knowing that I was just going to lead into descriptions of that move and its applications, the gameplay section of his video was a straight line there and how his Super Arts complement the hook punch. I like that it wasn't just "here's this, and then this, and then this." Future episodes will employ this same approach, and some more than others.

The first part is more interesting for me, though. Yes, it's a lot of speculation on my part to infer that Necro has some sort of connection to Pagilacci. But as one of the comments rightly pointed out, Capcom has been very stingy over the years with real design notes for any of the SFIII games, at least in English. Outside of obvious visual influences for characters like Alex and Hugo, inference and speculation is all we can really go on unless proven otherwise, which is the direction I took the script here. The FGC and larger gaming community has pitched in over the years to make some connections and suss out possible influences for a lot of characters with little to no design documentation for us (me) to go on, so don't be surprised to hear these things bubble up in future episodes.

Having said that, Necro is a character that I've really come around to after putting this episode together. I don't really see myself using him for really competitive matches since I'm too old and have too little time to practice new characters, but I get why people like using him and have fun tinkering with him now more than I ever had. But now I'm wishing more people had put the time in with Necro so he would make for more of a tournament draw. Sugiyama videos (which you should look up) are great, but it can't be just one guy carrying the Necro torch!

I've got a script written and am laying down the voice for the next video, Urien, later tonight. The new PC is fabulous for editing video -which was the whole point of buying it- so I'm confident that I can put together the next ep as expeditiously as this one had come. After that, it's on to writing the Akuma episode, which should be on the long side. Further into the future is an episode about the parry system. Should be late into February, I'm thinking.

Thanks again for watching!

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