Thursday, April 18, 2013

Two Things of Note

First, and this is old news, but GNC has decided to change the flavors of their standard whey protein powder from "tolerable" to "sewer drainage." This is pretty low on the totem pole of world troubles, but it's still a pain.

Second, PAX Prime tickets sold out last night in roughly five hours, and it seems as though the only way you would have found out they were on sale is by babysitting their Twitter feed everyday. I find this a little bit bullshitty since I've been going to their website on and off for months and the only update about tickets for this year's Seattle-based nerd love fest was a post in mid-January explaining that ticket info will be coming out "soon."

I'm ready to flip a table over right now. I'm lucky that I can thanks to the putrid GNC protein. Still.

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