Friday, November 1, 2019

Annotated Appendix: Yun

There is nothing more scary than Yun.

Chun is manageable, even with her busted super, because that's all she's really got. Yang is something I can put up with, even with Yun-like movement. Ken is Ken, and everybody knows how to play against Shotos. But Yun's a motherfucker; that tiny super meter gives him almost constant Genei Jin. That sucks. I didn't mention it in the video because I feel it gets a little too far into the weeds, but the Genei Jin makes the game feel like a Capcom Vs. game or Tekken-- it activates, and you're just sitting there taking damage. Half the time, I just take my hands off the stick when I get caught up in GJ combos. There's nothing you can do once a decent player lands a hit except to watch your HP slowly bleed out. Screw Yun and the Genei Jin. SCREW HIM.

With that out of the way, this was another episode where I needed to rely on other players for help. My distaste for Yun is such that I refuse to learn to play him, which you can clearly tell in the mirror match footage in the first half of the episode. Since it actually does take significant skill to use Genei Jin effectively, I tasked my other player with using it exclusively while I rotated the other two supers. This also meant that I could just recycle his super combos for the back half of the video. This is something that I don't like doing, but there was no better footage to be made based on how he played unless we started rotating opponents (the SF3 games have many, many character-specific combos).

I also wimped out on making video for the New Generation infinite combos. Yes, there's clear documentation on the process of landing/ completing them online, but you know. It's Yun. I hate Yun. If you follow me on Twitter (which you should), you will even find me hating on Yun there. Mostly on the weekends when I'm drinking. Seriously, fuck Yun.

(Again, I am compelled to relent a little and say that it's very hard to use the Genei Jin well. Players really need to put in some time in the training lab to get things right, and since there are so many character-specific combos, it can be a lot to account for. Big thanks to my buddy John P. that plays a slamming Yun.)

Anyway, I have a bit more freelance work coming up in the next week, but the next episode is just about ready to go. The great Demon's Souls 10th Anniversary Stream/ Long Play was a nice little success (the whole thing is on the YouTube channel in one big clump), and it helped get my rump in gear to finish a few more episodes on the quick. I've also got the script for Q ready to record, and am outlining Chun's episode starting today. Progress! Anyhoo, expect the Remy video to go up in two weeks.

In the meantime, thanks again for watching and supporting the series. Tell all of your friends, and remind them that Yun is bad. He's bad for all of us.

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