Thursday, November 14, 2019

Annotated Appendix: Remy

Oh, Remy. I don't feel as bad for him as I do for Sean, I suppose. But having saying that, Remy was basically made to be screwed, and I don't think I could come up with changes that could help alleviate that based on the game (without totally breaking it). I'm not a smart video game designer, though.

This column of characters on the roster screen is maybe the easiest because so many are specific to 3rd Strike. It makes each episode of the series a little dry of long explanation, but they feel very focused, which is nice. It also helps in getting the videos done quickly, so please rejoice in this time of bounty. I've been sick off and on lately, so I apologize for the raspy voice in this and a few future episodes.

Fun stuff about Remy that I probably should have mentioned in this episode: I've brought up several times that 3rd Strike is a very clever amalgamation of different fighting game mechanics, not just "Street Fighter II with parries." It's subtle to the untrained eye; some characters have launchers for juggles like in 3D fighting games, while others have air dashes like "anime" games, etc. Remy, though, represents this in a regressive sense. His gameplay actually is, essentially, "SFII with parries," which is precisely why he kind of sucks. Even the fan hack 4rd Strike fundamentally changes him given the buffs to the Cold Blue Kick (at least, in my opinion). Still, there are good, high-level Remy players out there, but they're few and far between. For reference, FrankieBFG, perhaps the best American 3rd Strike player (definitely the best Ken player) has a YouTube channel that breaks down the gameplay of a few Japanese masters. His Pierrot video is great, and counts for you as extra credit.

Fun stuff about Remy that never really fit into this video: First, famous FGC player Viscant went on an equally famous screed some years ago decrying the parry system that is still widely available to read online. He doesn't call Remy out specifically, but it's clear that the character is in the back of Viscant's mind since he levels his biggest criticisms via zoning characters, which Remy clearly is. I don't 100% agree with everything he says, but he makes valid points, so much that I included some of them as counter arguments in the parry episode. It's worth reading if you can put up with insipidly childish forum behavior from over a decade ago.

Second, and I cannot prove this, but I'm convinced that Remy is either Guile or Charlie Nash's illegitimate son. His hair color is blond in most of his alternative outfits, is the only male character with long enough hair to gel it in the ways that these past heroes can, and his goddamn move set is just so similar. I'm more inclined to lean into Charlie, actually, because of Remy's one-handed Sonic Boom toss, which was also a Charlie thing. In the grand scheme of things, this shit is completely inconsequential given that Capcom has essentially disowned Remy over the years, but still. The Truth is Out There.

Aaaaaaand speaking of which, the Q episode is in the can and will drop in two weeks. It's nice to be on a schedule, but this might be the last one for a little bit so I can get my people together to record Chun/ Makoto/ Yang footage. I do them in chunks that way. Look forward to the next episode, though. I go into some seriously out-there speculation about the character which in no way holds up under scrutiny.

Other than that, I'm planning a footnote episode on a Tekken combo. Yes, one specific combo. I think you'll enjoy it. The Demon's Souls long play video also got some traction, and I'd love to do another one of those someday, but it's really a matter of finding the right game to stream. I'm liking this streaming thing, though, so who knows.

Enjoy the video, and thanks again for sticking with me!

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