Friday, June 28, 2013


Do you want to know what I thought of Project X Zone? In all honesty, you probably don't. Regardless, GamesRadar has run my review of it, and the unwashed masses are particularly unhappy with what I've written if the comments are a fine sampling of our collective reasoning. My favorites are the ones that think that I don't exist. I guess, for all you know, I might not. Go ahead and collect the pieces of your blown mind. There's some on that chair across from you.

I don't really think I need to defend what I've written. Honestly, what's the point? I found it to be a shallow strategy game that looked pretty when it counted. If that's your thing, well, it's your cash, friend. I do like the fact that people are a little huffy about me wrecking PXZ's Metacritic curve, though. The internet gets pissed about anything, and I am the high priest of ruining your day because of it.

Except when they don't, and by that I mean today's homework: This spectacular write up of Christy Marx. You may not have heard of her, but she had a hand in shaping your childhood one way or another. Polygon has done a darn good job with their feature articles since they launched, most of them being insightful developer interviews or deep dives into the process of games that work and the evolution of projects that may never be released. Like anything you find on the internet, it isn't all riveting stuff. The ones that work, though, really work. Good on them for building such a back catalog of great content so soon into the site's life.

I actually took a pass on weekend work this week, but more will come soon, hopefully. Some Tomb Raider was played last night, and we'll get back to talking about it tomorrow or Monday.

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