Monday, February 12, 2018

Day 11: Uuhhhhhh...

I needed to do some quick touch ups to yesterday's post, but it didn't help anything. Last night's play session made it abundantly clear, and re-reading what I wrote about 12 hours ago just drives things home. It's been 11 days and no co-op of any kind. I'm about to spin into full-on freakout mode.

I've been racking my brain over this for a few days now. First of all, I know that the servers are a shit show, and have been for years. The DS reddit community has been complaining about it off and on for quite a while now, but switching on the game and not seeing any sent messages, not to mention any summon signs, had been bad tidings from the start. But I've been dropping blue summon signs of my own all over the goddamn place since I started two weeks ago, and there hasn't been a peep from the great beyond of other players' ISPs. I mean, I've never been a great player, but they wouldn't know that!

The end result of this entire exercise is an article about the end of DS's online play for USGamer, and I didn't want it to be entirely from my own recollection. Without some significant online interaction over the next few weeks, though, it's becoming more and more likely that the story's going to turn into that, which puts me in an awkward position. I want to be online at the end when the shutdown happens. If I can't play online even now, then I don't want to say that this was all futile, but it's going to make the whole month a bit hollow.

Well, we have some server maintenance coming on Wednesday, and that will hopefully clean some things up. Today will be about begging redditors to play online with me over the next few weeks. I have a feeling that this week's server cleanup will come loaded with an all-white or all-black event, but I guess we'll see.

But we'll (finally) talk about that tomorrow.

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