Friday, February 23, 2018

Day 22:

At this point, it almost feels as though we're at the victory lap. The only crowd seems to have comfortably settled in for their roles for the next five days; who is going to co-op, where we can fight in PvP, what last bit of forging material can be traded online. But something is wrong.

Having gone through both Discord and the DeS subreddit somewhat thoroughly, it doesn't seem to have occurred to people the actual timing of the shutoff. The in-game communication that appears whenever a player connects online states that the game will go down at 3:00 EST and then midninght PST. There seems to be a sense that this is read as normal civilian time. But the timing there is incorrect as Eastern Time is three hours ahead of Pacific, making "3:00" more likely to be "03:00," or 3AM.

That changes my plans a bit. I have taken off of work to be there during the final moments, myself erroneously thinking the death knell would be in the afternoon and not in the wee small hours. I suppose it's somewhat poetic that it happens the other way around, but that alters my plans to stream and try my hand at commentary. While I can still do the former, with a sleeping wife and toddler, the latter is a bit more of a challenge at that time of the night. The walls are thin in my house, man.

This, ultimately, doesn't matter, though. I'll be on hand one way or another according to the original plan. I've tried tweeting Atlus on the matter for some clarification, but haven't heard back as of the time I wrote this. I'm hoping for afternoon, actually, but I guess we'll see.

I sort of doubt that we'll talk about this tomorrow, but who knows?

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